Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Simple Life

Hello dear readers of Simplify Me,

It's been a while, but I'm back to share a bit of wisdom from The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age by John Heider. I don't necessarily agree with every statement, but the general sentiment is such a relevant one for our times, and speaks to much of what I believe as a personal organizer. I've taken the liberty of adding my own reflections at the end of the small chapter. Take what you will and enjoy!

If you want to be free, learn to live simply.
Use what you have and be content where you are. Quit trying to solve your problems by moving to another place, by changing mates or careers.
Leave your car in the garage. If you have a gun, put it away. Sell that complex computer and go back to using pencil and paper. Rather than read every new book that comes along, reread the classics.
Eat food grown locally. Wear simple, durable clothing. Keep a small home, uncluttered and easy to clean. Keep an open calendar with periods of uncommitted time. Have a spiritual practice and let family customs grow.
Of course, the world is full of novelty and adventures. New opportunities come along every day.
So what?

Robyn's additions:
On changing mates or careers... don't, unless you are clearly not shining as brightly as you know you could be with the choices you have made. Be thoughtful and authentic, and trust what your body, heart and mind are telling you.

On the computer... have the fancy computer, but be selective with your time spent at it. Get off it at least 1 hour before bed, remember to roll your shoulders and your wrists about every 20 minutes if you are working at it, and don't let it take the place of creative, playful, quiet or intimate time with your family, friends or lover.

On simple, durable clothing... Some of your pieces can be fancier than simple (I love to dress up!), but be sure that they are made in the country where you live, that you try the second-hand stores for your treasure-hunting (cheaper, original), and that you don't have too many clothes. Think of the classy French women and their tiny closets, oui?

Be well, dear readers, and choose a simpler version - of anything! It is no less rich, and often much more so.

In light,